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Tucson Dog Bite Attorney

Dog Bite Attorney in Tucson, Arizona

Tucson dog attacks may occur unexpectedly, especially in circumstances when owners are careless or negligent. Even the most well-mannered family dog can attack in certain instances. A victim who experienced a dog attack may have permanent injuries, disfigurement, and lasting psychological trauma for the duration of their life following the attack. Over 400 victims suffered from a dog attack fatality from 2005 to 2017, and even more notably, one in 50 Americans have a chance of being attacked each year. It is even more devastating in incidents where the animal was the pet of a family member or friend. Even so, it is essential that you are compensated for the losses you have endured due to the violent attack you have experienced.

If you have been substantially injured from a dog bite caused by the negligence of another individual, speak to an experienced Tucson dog bite attorney at Feller & Wendt. Our skilled, award-winning injury lawyers have over 70 years of combined experience helping victims of Tucson recover the compensation they deserve for their devastating accident. You can trust our seasoned, top-of-the-line legal counsel regarding Arizona’s laws concerning dog bite injuries. We take the time helping our clients understand the strengths and weaknesses of their claim and how we plan to help them build a strong injury case. We fight for the fair, necessary compensation you deserve.

Who May Be at Risk for Dog Bite Attacks in Tucson?

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Dog bites are a common, serious problem affecting communities in the US. Over 4.5 million victims are bitten each year in the US, and more than 800,000 of those people require medical attention. The most prevalent victims of these attacks are children, who are more often severely injured.

It is essential to note that dog breed is not a determinant of whether it may attack, but rather it’s behavior, personality, and history. Dogs bite for a few reasons, but most commonly as a reactionary action due to stress, fear, defense, or while defending their territory. In most cases, a dog’s owner is solely responsible for their dog choosing to bite an individual. They are liable for recovering the cost of damages associated with medical expenses, lost wages, and other emotional damages.

Strict Liability for Dog Bites in Tucson

Dog bite laws differ widely from state to state, but in Arizona, it is not required for the victim to prove owner negligence in the instance of a dog bite. Arizona Statute 11-1025 holds dog owners strictly accountable if their dog bites another individual. Dog owners are legally liable for damages if they are legally on a private or public property when attacked. Those who are bitten by police or military dogs are not able to recover damages under the strict liability statute. 

You may be able to also file a dog bite negligence claim depending on the circumstances of the dog attack. If the dog was under another person’s supervision other than the owner when the incident occurred, a negligence claim may be filed against the owner. With a negligence claim, you may be able to recover compensation for a broader range of potential losses. 

Seeking compensation can be stressful if the dog belongs to a family member or friend. Fortunately, homeowners’ insurance typically covers dog bite injuries, and victims may file to recover damages from the dog owner’s insurance policy. This means you may recover necessary compensation without financially harming your friend or family member, and they may pay nothing out of pocket.

Injuries You May Sustain in a Tucson Dog Bite Attack

Due to the violent nature of dog bites, injuries may be catastrophic depending on the circumstances of the attack. If the dog is unfamiliar, rabies is a great concern, and you must seek medical care promptly. The following are other prevalent injuries you may sustain from a violent dog bite attack:

  • Broken, crushed, or fractured bones
  • Torn muscles and tendons
  • Staph infections and other bacterial infections
  • Nerve damage
  • Spinal cord damage
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • PTSD and other emotional damage
  • Death, typically in children

If you have experienced a violent dog bite due to owner negligence, speak to an experienced Tucson dog bite lawyer for a chance to obtain accountability for your substantial injuries. You may be able to recover fair compensation for the exhaustive losses you have endured due to the dog attack.

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Damages Recoverable in a Dog Bite Attack in Tucson

Recovering compensation for dog bites is necessary for the extensive losses you have experienced due to the incident and future losses you will experience due to the injuries you sustained. In these types of cases, obtaining fair compensation is necessary for recovery and healing after the attack. You may be eligible to recover economic and non-economic damages.

Economic damages include expenses you have incurred as a result of the dog bite incident. This includes medical bills, rehabilitation expenses, time off work, inability to work, and other financial burdens placed on you due to the attack. Non-economic damages include non-physical and emotional losses experienced from the accident. The following damages may be recovered from past, present, or future losses from the incident:

  • Expenses related to medical treatment and assistive equipment
  • Lost wages
  • Lost future income due to disability
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Mental anguish

Speak to an experienced Tucson dog bite attorney for a chance to recover maximum compensation for the substantial losses you have experienced due to the traumatic attack. We will work tirelessly for the justice you deserve.

Speak With an Experienced Tucson Dog Bite Attorney at Feller & Wendt Today

Suffering from a violent dog bite can be catastrophic and leave devastating financial and emotional burdens on the victim.  You shouldn’t have to pay for another individual’s negligence.

The Tucson dog bite attorneys at Feller & Wendt understand how traumatic a dog attack can be and put in great effort to develop a strong case for the justice you deserve.

The legal team at Feller & Wendt is proud to offer award-winning representation with over 70 years of combined experience helping dog bite victims obtain the compensation they deserve as a result of their substantial losses. With dedicated, top-of-the-line legal service and personalized care, we provide Tucson clients with the chance to obtain accountability so they can focus on healing and recovery. Call 480.702.2277 for a complimentary assessment of your claim, or fill out our contact form today.


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