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Tucson Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Tucson is an ideal location for bicycling. It has beautiful sunshine and great weather.  There are street lanes or paths made just for cyclists in many areas of Tucson. It’s not surprising the large number of bicyclists that are on the roads. Sadly, this can also mean more bicycle accidents occurring as well. If you’re involved in a bicycle accident, you should contact an experienced Tucson bicycle accident lawyer to see if you have a case.

As a bicycle accident victim, you may wonder who is liable for your medical bills or any damages you sustain. You could be entitled to compensation, particularly if your accident was the result of another person’s negligence. An experienced and skilled bicycle accident attorney in Tucson may be able to help you seek and receive compensation for your damages.

Traffic Laws for Bicyclists in Tucson

There are bike safety policies in place through Arizona law that residents are expected to abide by. These policies dictate that bikers must stay aware of their surroundings at all times to avoid accidents and must follow the traffic laws. Bicyclists must also:

  • Stay in the right lane unless they’re taking a left turn
  • Wear a helmet if they’re under the age of 18
  • Yield the right-of-way to pedestrians
  • Let vehicles pass them on two-lane roads if they have five or more vehicles behind them
  • Use bike signals when changing lanes or turning

By abiding by these laws, you’re showing that you’re taking adequate steps to protect yourself and the well-being of others around you. However, this doesn’t mean that other drivers are abiding by these laws, and this places you at risk for an accident. Drivers who are reckless on the road can be held liable for any losses that you sustain due to a bicycle accident.

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Naming a Liable Party in Your Bicycle Accident Complaint

Oftentimes,  there’s the question of whether or not the cyclist who was injured in the accident was partially at fault for the accident. In the state of Arizona, there is the pure comparative negligence rule in place.

What this means is even if the bicyclist had some fault in the accident, they may still be entitled to recover damages in a lawsuit or personal injury claim. However, to recover compensation, you’ll need to prove the liability of the other party. In order to do this, a Tucson bicycle accident attorney will gather proof or evidence of the other party’s negligence. To put it more specifically, you may be able to claim that:

  • The negligent person had a responsibility or duty to the bicyclist
  • The negligent person breached this duty
  • The action of the negligent person caused the accident
  • The accident caused you injuries

To uphold these claims in the best way, you’ll need to show evidence of these claims with your complaint. Evidence can include pictures of the accident, eyewitness testimony, or even accident reconstruction.

In the majority of bicycle accident cases, the one who bears responsibility for any losses the bicyclist sustains is the driver. However, depending on the circumstances of the accident, liability can change. Other liable parties may include small businesses, local construction crews, or the bicycle’s manufacturer. Follow the evidence, when in doubt, and it will better equip you for who you should name as the liable party in your claim.

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Steps to Take After a Bicycle Accident in Tucson, Arizona

If you’ve been involved in a bike accident, it’s essential that you remain calm. Then, take action on the following steps:

Call 911 and Seek Medical Attention

Even if the accident felt insignificant or mild, you should call emergency services after a bike accident. This will ensure the right emergency team shows up for you and it will be reported. At the very least, the dispatcher will contact the EMS and police. You’ll also want to seek medical treatment as soon as possible to ensure you have no serious injuries. 

Collect Information

Obtain the names and contact information of all involved parties in the accident. It’s best to collect this information from their driver’s license. Take down the license plate information of all vehicles involved as well as insurance information.

Contact a Tucson Bicycle Accident Attorney

Contact a bicycle accident attorney in Tucson, AZ as soon as you are able. This will help ensure you don’t make any errors when you speak with those involved in the bicycle accident or the insurance companies. A bicycle accident lawyer will work hard to try and get you the best settlement possible.

Even if your injuries don’t seem that serious, it could be that your condition isn’t immediately obvious. To ensure you’re fine, it’s essential that you have a healthcare professional examine you following your accident.

Contact Feller & Wendt to Speak With a Tucson Bicycle Accident Lawyer Today

Even though bicycling in Tucson is a popular activity, there will be some drivers who aren’t used to bicyclists on the road. Because of this, bike accidents involving drivers colliding with or hitting bicyclists are widespread. While the laws in Arizona allow bicyclists to recover damages, claims that involve bike accidents are typically complicated. However, an experienced and skilled Tucson bike accident attorney will help protect your rights and may be able to help you get the compensation you deserve.

At Feller & Wendt, we understand how devastating a bicycle accident can be for the victim who sustained injuries or damages as a result of the negligence of another person. We will work with you through all the different stages of your bicycle accident case and will ensure your rights are protected. We will do our best to help you settle your case and get the compensation you’re entitled to so you can get back to living a normal life again as quickly as possible.

If you’re looking for a Tucson bicycle accident lawyer with a history of success, contact Feller & Wendt at 480.702.2277 or fill out our contact form today.


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