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Scottsdale Truck Accident Lawyer

What Type of Compensation Can You Receive After a Truck Accident?

Arizona is home to some of the most scenic roads in the United States. With stretches of desert and canyon to look at as you go by, Arizona has become a popular destination for road trips and long drives. This inherently comes with a higher number of motor vehicle accidents, including those involving trucks. 18-wheeled vehicles can weigh almost eight times more than a regular motor vehicle and can stretch as far back as two or three cars-length. Getting into an accident with a truck can lead to detrimental injuries, especially if it’s because of the truck driver’s negligence.

If you have been in a truck accident in Scottsdale, look no further than Feller & Wendt, LLC™. With many years of experience representing clients who have been wrongfully injured due to another’s reckless driving, we will use every tool at our disposal to get you the results you are looking for. To see how we can best help you today, please give our Scottsdale personal injury attorneys a call at 408.702.2277.

If you attempt to file a claim without the professional assistance of a Scottsdale, AZ truck accident attorney, you will likely receive a settlement from the insurance company that is not high enough to adequately cover the costs of your accident. When you partner with a qualified attorney from Feller & Wendt, LLC™ you are partnering with an attorney who has devoted their career to fighting for settlements that get people back on their feet. When you partner with Feller & Wendt, LLC™ you are opening yourself up to the possibility of receiving the following types of compensation: 

  • Economic damages: Economic damages will help to cover your tangible expenses, like medical bills, prescription medication costs, lost wages due to missed work, rehabilitative therapy, and other items that have an easy price point.
  • Non-economic damages: These are damages for items not so easily measured, like enduring pain and suffering, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, loss of consortium, and more. It can feel odd to put a financial value on your emotional losses and suffering, and your attorney can help you determine an appropriate number.

There is no current cap on damages for economic or non-economic compensation in Arizona.

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How Can a Scottsdale Truck Accident Lawyer Help My Case?

While you focus on resting and recovering from your injuries, your Scottsdale truck accident attorney can immediately get started on getting you the best results possible for your claim. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

Gather Evidence

After you are in a truck accident, the last thing on your mind is collecting evidence to begin building your case. If you are able to do so safely, it is recommended to try to get a few photographs or even video footage of the scene on your phone. If you are unable to do it safely or were too overwhelmed or injured, don’t fret: your personal injury attorney can take it from here. 

Viable evidence is how your attorney will demonstrate the truck driver was exhibiting reckless behavior that directly resulted in your injuries. When you aren’t able to secure footage from the scene of the crime, your attorney will begin an investigation to begin collecting other bits of time-sensitive evidence, such as eyewitness testimony, police reports, traffic camera footage, medical records, truck employee records, and if necessary, expert testimony. 

Establish Liability and Negligence

Using the gathered evidence, your Scottsdale, AZ truck accident lawyer will use the four components of negligence to demonstrate the truck driver or at-fault party is liable for your accident. The four components of negligence include: 

  • Duty of care: This is the expected standard of care to be provided by all drivers on the road. For truck drivers, this means adhering to the driving limitations and not breaking any rules of the road.
  • Breach of care: When this care is not adhered to, it is considered a breach. The most common examples of this for truck driving accidents can include driving while intoxicated, speeding, driving longer than their legal limitations, or running red lights or stop signs.
  • Causation: Breaching the standard of care is illegal, but it does not immediately make the third party liable for your accident. The evidence must clearly demonstrate the breach of care directly resulted in your accident.
  • Damages: When you are injured in an accident due to another driver’s recklessness, you are owed damages for your injuries.

Once liability has been established, you are eligible to receive financial compensation and justice for your accident.

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We’re a top-rated, skilled personal injury law firm with client testimonials to back us up. When it comes to aggressive case litigation, look no further.
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Injured in a Truck Accident? Speak With a Scottsdale Lawyer Today

Feller & Wendt, LLC™ is here to help fight your justice and let you know that you don’t have to try to do this alone. We have served the Scottsdale area for many years and have helped receive hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation for victims of negligence and reckless driving. We work on the hard part and fight for you while you get to focus on your recovery.

Let us get you the compensation you need to start anew. To schedule a free consultation with a Scottsdale truck accident lawyer, use our contact form or call 408.702.2277.


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