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Salt Lake City Burn Injury Lawyer

Burns can inflict severe pain and injuries. Suffering a burn injury in Salt Lake City might mean spending weeks or months in a burn unit and undergoing extensive, agonizing, and costly treatments. Many burn victims carry scars for the rest of their lives, a constant reminder of their trauma. 

The experienced Salt Lake City burn injury lawyers at Feller & Wendt understand the extreme difficulty that a burn injury can bring into your life. If you or someone you love suffered a burn because of someone else’s poor decisions or wrongful actions, we can help you secure the compensation you need to heal and rebuild.  

Burn Accidents in Salt Lake City, Utah

The Burn Model System National Data and Statistical Center, which tracks data on burn injuries nationwide, reports that 59% of all burns result from exposure to fire or flame, followed by scalding liquid or steam (16%), hot grease (8%), electricity (6%), hot objects (5%), flash burns (3%), and chemicals (2%). Those exposures can happen in a wide variety of circumstances caused by careless, reckless, or intentionally harmful conduct. Here are some common scenarios in which a burn can happen in Salt Lake City, and for which Feller & Wendt can secure compensation for innocent burn victims.

Defective Products

Many people in Salt Lake City encounter fire, extreme heat, and caustic chemicals when the products they use in their daily lives malfunction. Lawyers refer to a case in which someone suffers a burn from a defective consumer product as a products liability lawsuit. A case can arise from, for example:

  • A cell phone bursting into flame because of a defective battery pack
  • A child’s skin burning from contact with a caustic household cleaner that did not have adequate warning labels
  • A travel mug cracked during its manufacturing process spilling scalding coffee on a driver
  • A car’s flawed wiring causing the engine to overheat and catch fire

In Utah, victims of burns caused by defective products can often sue the manufacturer for damages. The Feller & Wendt personal injury team has the resources to hold even the largest manufacturers accountable for selling dangerous products that burn unsuspecting users.

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Dangerous Property Conditions

Burn injuries also frequently happen in Salt Lake City because of hazards at commercial, residential, or public properties.  At Feller & Wendt, for instance, clients might come to us for help after having suffered burns caused by:

  • A hotel fire they could not escape because a door to an emergency exit was blocked
  • Scalding steam erupting from an aging pipe in a school bathroom
  • Electricity coursing through metal fixture in a home with bad wiring

Utah law generally requires Salt Lake City property owners and tenants to take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of visitors to their premises, or face liability for burns and other injuries that result from dangerous property conditions. Feller & Wendt advocates for individuals who suffered burns while on someone else’s property because of a hazard someone reasonably should have fixed or warned them about.  

Burns at Work

Traffic Accidents

No matter where you work in Salt Lake City, you face a potential danger of suffering a burn injury while doing your job. Feller & Wendt knows how to secure compensation for burn victims whose injuries happened, for example, when:

  • Welding slag ignited flammable materials on a construction site
  • Grease splashed on them while working in a restaurant kitchen
  • Equipment they were operating touched an overhead electrical line
  • A co-worker spilled overheated food from a microwave on them in the break room

Most people who sustain burns at work in Salt Lake City can obtain Utah workers’ compensation medical and disability benefits. Some may also have the right to pursue a lawsuit against a party other than their employer for money damages. At Feller & Wendt, we guide Salt Lake City workers through the entire process of seeking compensation for burns they suffered at work.

Salt Lake City drivers and passengers can sometimes sustain burns when their vehicles crash and catch fire. Though these injuries are somewhat rare (according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)), they also account for nearly two-thirds of all car fire-related burn fatalities. Feller & Wendt has decades of experience representing car accident victims, including those who suffered severe burns in a car that ignited or exploded.

Medical Negligence

Strange as it may sound, seeking care at a Salt Lake City medical facility can also lead to a bad burn. Medical providers who provide substandard care to their patients can cause preventable, severe burns by, for example:

  • Improperly administering radiation therapy
  • Using (or misusing) defective electrosurgical devices or electrodes during surgery
  • Applying potentially caustic solutions like Betadine (povidone-iodine) to a patient’s skin
  • Failing to tend to a patient during use of a heating pad

Needless to say, medical providers should never cause burn injuries, but if it happens, the experienced Salt Lake City burn injury lawyers at Feller & Wendt understand how to secure maximum damages for the injured patient.

Client Testimonials

We’re a top-rated, skilled personal injury law firm with client testimonials to back us up. When it comes to aggressive case litigation, look no further.
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Contact a Salt Lake City Burn Injury Attorney at Feller & Wendt Today

Suffering a severe burn can throw your life into disarray. You can protect your rights and interests during this difficult time by having an experienced Salt Lake City burn injury lawyer by your side as soon as possible.

If you or someone you love sustained a burn injury in Salt Lake City, Feller & Wendt wants to help you explore your rights and options for seeking compensation from those at fault. We possess decades of experience that we put to work every day as compassionate, determined advocates for injured accident victims. Fighting to secure compensation for burn victims constitutes one of our most critical missions, because of the lasting personal and financial impact burns tend to have on our clients and their families. For a free, confidential consultation about your case with a knowledgeable burn injury lawyer in Salt Lake City, contact us online or call 801.499.5060.


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