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Phoenix Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

A person who has sustained a catastrophic injury may have severe physical, cognitive, and emotional damage. They may have experienced loss of a limb, eyesight, hearing, paralysis, or disability. Such a victim will often require extensive emergency medical care and treatment, ongoing medical care, rehabilitative treatments and therapy, and often long-term and permanent assistance. A victim may not be able to go back to work for months if at all. In some cases, a person may never truly recover from their injuries.

Even if you have medical insurance, medical costs can skyrocket with an injury of this type. A catastrophic injury can quickly devastate an individual and their family. A Feller & Wendt Phoenix, Arizona catastrophic injury lawyer may be able to help you by filing a personal injury lawsuit to help ease the financial and emotional burdens that often accompany catastrophic injuries.

Types and Causes of Catastrophic Accidents in Phoenix, Arizona

A catastrophic injury can happen in a matter of seconds and alter a person’s life. Catastrophic injuries are often caused by unforeseen events such as fires, acts of violence, or dangerous sporting events. Sometimes they are caused by recklessness, carelessness, negligence, or intentional harm by a third party.

Some of the other common causes of catastrophic injuries include:

Catastrophic injuries can have life-changing, devastating consequences for the victim and their family. Feller & Wendt’s team of experienced Phoenix, AZ catastrophic injury lawyers have the knowledge, skills, and resources to aggressively pursue compensations for your losses.

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What is Considered a Catastrophic Injury?

A catastrophic injury can leave a person suffering from long-term and even permanent disabilities. Unfortunately, catastrophic injuries often change people’s lives, and many people struggle to work, maintain relationships, and even enjoy life as they did before their accident. Each catastrophic injury is unique and presents its own set of challenges.

Examples of catastrophic injuries include:

Many catastrophic injury victims struggle financially and personally after their accidents.

The personal injury attorneys at Feller & Wendt can help an injury victim care for devastating injuries and obtain compensation to help support themselves and their families.

What Kinds of Compensation Might I Be Able to Recover for a Catastrophic Injury Claim in Phoenix, Arizona?

Injury victims who suffer from a catastrophic or serious injury typically undergo extensive medical care, loss of employment, loss of relationships, and significantly diminished quality of life. Determining the overall cost and impact of a catastrophic injury is not always an easy task, and it often requires the help of many professionals.

The damages available for your catastrophic injuries will depend on the circumstances of the case and your losses. Damages you could recover include:

  • Past and future medical expenses: As a plaintiff, you could recover 100% of the medical and treatment costs related to your catastrophic injury.
  • Lost wages and lost future earnings capacity: You could recoup the costs of wages you have already lost from missing time at work, as well as foreseeable future lost earnings if a disability prevents you from returning to your job.
  • Property repairs: If the accident damaged your property, such as damage to your vehicle, the defendant may owe you compensation for property repairs or replacement.
  • Out-of-pocket costs: If your accident or the legal process led to out-of-pocket costs, such as travel expenses, legal fees, court filing costs, health care deductibles or property repairs, you can list these expenses as part of your personal injury lawsuit.
  • Non-Economic damages: Catastrophic injuries cause immense pain and suffering. This type of award could cover physical suffering, emotional distress, mental anguish, psychological trauma, inconvenience, humiliation, lost quality of life, diminished enjoyment of life and loss of consortium.

If you or a loved one has suffered a catastrophic injury because of someone else’s negligence, a Phoenix, Arizona personal injury lawyer will work with doctors, physical therapists, vocational counselors, accountants, and other professionals to help assess the extent of your damages.

We know how to fight for a victim’s rights and get them the maximum amount of compensation they deserve.

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We’re a top-rated, skilled personal injury law firm with client testimonials to back us up. When it comes to aggressive case litigation, look no further.
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How to Prove Negligence after a Catastrophic Injury in Phoenix?

You can sue for compensation if someone else is to blame for your catastrophic accident. The legal basis is usually “negligence,” meaning a person injured you by not using reasonable care considering the risk. When catastrophic injury claims are based on negligence, the injured person, or their representative needs to prove the following:

  • The person being sued (the defendant) owed them a duty of care.
  • The defendant failed to follow the standard of care, creating a “breach.”
  • The defendant’s conduct caused the plaintiff’s injuries.
  • The plaintiff suffered damages as a result of their injures

Feller & Wendt personal injury attorneys have a detailed knowledge of the legal statutes and case law that can come into play in different types of accident cases. You can rely on us to create the strongest possible case for you to receive compensation from the reckless or negligent person or company who caused your accident.

Why You Can Trust Our Phoenix, AZ Personal Injury Lawyers

Feller & Wendt has over 70 years of combined experience providing strong legal representation to clients in Phoenix, Arizona. We know how to negotiate with corporate attorneys and insurance companies and won’t back down. Our Phoenix personal injury lawyers will handle the complex documentation, evidence gathering, and communications so you can focus on healing.

Feller & Wendt has been successful in 95% of our cases. We will help navigate all aspects of your claim from initial consultation to settlement verdict, always keeping you  updated on the status of your case. As part of our contingency fee arrangement, we will not charge any legal fees unless we recover money for you. Our fee is paid if and only if we recover money for you.

Let us help you receive the maximum compensation for your injuries. Call Feller & Wendt, LLC™. at 480.702.2277 or complete our contact form today to schedule a free and confidential evaluation of your case.


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