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What to Do After a Hit and Run in Utah

broken side mirror due to hit and run

Hit and run car accidents put you in a difficult position. While you should never chase down the driver who hit you, you may feel as though you have to chase them in order to charge them for your losses. Instead of endangering yourself further, though, there are other post-accident steps you can take.

Reacting to a Utah Hit and Run

The first thing you’ll want to do after a hit and run accident is assess your injuries. Have someone on the scene contact emergency services while you look over yourself and your passengers. Your health and well-being should be your only priority until law enforcement arrives on the scene.

After everyone is stable, you should start to consider your legal options. If witnesses who saw the hit and run accident are still on the scene, work with law enforcement to gather their statements. You should take note of any intersection cameras and see if you can obtain the liable driver’s license plate number.

Be sure to cooperate with law enforcement during this stage as well. While you can work to gather essential information on your own, law enforcement representatives have the training to assess the scene of your accident carefully, calmly, and professionally.

How to File a Hit and Run Complaint

After you’ve recovered from the immediate shock of your accident, you can consider how to address your accident legally. Hit and run attorneys throughout Utah will often recommend that you pursue a civil complaint in case your insurance claim doesn’t cover the extent of your losses.

Filing a civil complaint after a hit and run accident can be easier with an attorney to guide you through the process. To file a complaint that will be viewed by the court, you and your personal injury attorney need to highlight:

  • The name of the person you believe to be liable for your accident
  • The duty of care that said party owed you and any passengers
  • Evidence that said duty was violated
  • Estimates of your damages and potential compensation

Utah is a no-fault state. This means that you and an attorney must work together to prove that, as of the time of the accident, you were less responsible for your losses than the other driver.

For a Utah court to view your hit and run complaint, you have to submit all of the aforementioned information by a certain deadline. The standard statute of limitations in Utah, Utah Code 78B-2-307, gives you four years to file your suit. That being said, if you want to pursue additional compensation for property damage in your accident, Utah Code 78B-2-305 gives you three years to submit your paperwork.

Discuss Your Hit and Run Accident with a Utah Attorney at Feller & Wendt, LLC

Hit and run accidents feel as though they represent the height of roadway negligence. Drivers who endanger you and your passengers and refuse to take responsibility for their actions can leave you to contend with property damage and personal injury alone.

Remember that you’re not alone after a hit and run accident. You should practice post-accident care and reach out to a Utah hit and run attorney for help. With law enforcement and legal representation from Feller & Wendt, LLC™, on your side, you can identify the party you believe to be liable for your losses. You can call 801.499.5060 or complete our contact form for a free consultation.

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