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Sandy Personal Injury Attorneys

Many accidents that are caused by negligent, careless actions can often lead to painful, lasting personal injuries. Few experiences can have such an impact on a victim’s day-to-day life. Physical injuries are not the only type of harm you may endure; some victims may develop emotional and psychological trauma as well. 

If you are anxious and overwhelmed by accident expenses such as medical bills, lost wages, and property damage, contact a Sandy personal injury attorney for an assessment of your case. Your experienced personal injury lawyer will determine whether negligence was involved and how much compensation you may be owed. 

What is a Personal Injury?

A personal injury can be an incident that causes physical, emotional, and financial damage to a person. When a person experiences a personal injury, under personal injury law, they may be able to recover compensation for their injuries and financial obligations following the accident.

To receive compensation for damages, you may have several options:

  • If you have endured a car accident, you may file an insurance claim with your insurance company.
  • You may file an insurance claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company for damages.
  • You may file a lawsuit against the negligent party.

When you have been severely hurt in an accident, it may be overwhelming to pursue financial compensation for your injuries. Contact a Sandy personal injury attorney for guidance and legal counsel regarding the best steps you should take so you can focus on healing after your accident.

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What Damages Can You Claim in a Personal Injury?

There are various types of damages you can claim in a personal injury case. If a negligent driver is at fault, you may be able to recover financial and non-financial losses. In Utah, the type of damages you receive depends on the circumstances of your incident. They may include:

  • Lost wages and future lost earning potential
  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Property damage
  • Emotional trauma, pain, and suffering
  • Permanent disability or disfigurement
  • Punitive damages depending on the case

Speaking with a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer will help you figure out what type of damages you may be able to recover.

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We’re a top-rated, skilled personal injury law firm with client testimonials to back us up. When it comes to aggressive case litigation, look no further.
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Common Causes of Personal Injuries in Sandy, UT

Some causes of personal injuries occur more frequently than others in Utah. Even if you are vigilant and attentive, some may cause accidents through careless actions.

These types of accidents commonly cause personal injuries:

  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Car accidents
  • Medical malpractice
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Slip and falls
  • Unsafe driving
  • Bus accidents
  • DUIs
  • Dog attacks
  • Workplace accidents
  • Truck accidents

If you have been in one of these common types of accidents, speak with a knowledgeable Sandy personal injury lawyer for help with your case. A skilled Sandy personal injury attorney can offer extensive expertise in building a solid case to recover damages associated with your accident.

Contact Our Top-Rated Personal Injury Lawyers in Sandy, UT Today

If you have been hurt in an unexpected accident due to the careless actions of another, contact the Sandy personal injury attorneys at Feller & Wendt. You may have mounting bills, painful injuries, and other stressors, but the injury attorneys at Feller & Wendt can help you recover the maximum compensation that you may be owed.

With over 70 years of combined experience and a 95% success rate, the legal team at Feller & Wendt pride themselves on providing award-winning legal representation, dedication to clients, and expertise in personal injury to help victims obtain the financial recovery they deserve. Call 801.499.5060 for a free consultation or fill out our contact form.


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