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Salt Lake City Car Accident Attorney

Car accidents are, unfortunately, a common occurrence in Utah, ranging from fender benders to severe or fatal accidents. Sometimes, the injuries sustained in car accidents can be life-altering and require months, even years, of recovery time. If you or a loved one suffered injuries in a car accident and are struggling to deal with the financial burden, contact a qualified Salt Lake City car accident attorney at Feller & Wendt, LLC™ to discuss your case for free. Schedule a free legal consultation via our contact form or call 801.499.5060 for a consultation with our legal team.

Why Hire a Car Accident Lawyer in Salt Lake City?

When you file your lawsuit or insurance claim for car accident compensation, enlist the services of a Salt Lake City personal injury lawyers at Feller & Wendt, LLC™. Our attorneys are here to guide you through the car accident claims process from consultation to settlement. Here are just a few reasons why you should trust us to handle your accident claim:

  • Our car accident attorneys work tirelessly on behalf of our clients and are not afraid to take a case to court whenever necessary.
  • Our firm has maintained a 95% success rate in all of our personal injury cases, securing millions of dollars in settlements and judgments for our clients.
  • Our attorneys have more than 70 years of combined legal experience in all types of personal injury law, including car accident litigation.

Schedule a free consultation today by calling 801.499.5060 or contact us here. An experienced Salt Lake City car accident attorney will examine the details of your case and let you know what legal options are available to you.

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What Are The Statute of Limitations for Accidents in UT?

There is a certain window of time in which a victim can file their car accident injury claim in order to take legal action. The statute of limitations for car crashes and injuries varies in each state in the U.S. In the State of Utah, a victim has four years from the time the incident had occurred to file their claim. Any attempts to file beyond this claim, will be declined by the courts. There are very few exceptions to an extended period of time, however 4 years is the most common for the majority of injury lawsuits in Utah. Since time is a sensitive issue with these cases, hiring professional legal service will help you build your case and fight for your compensation once it has been reviewed. It’s better to seek help once an accident occurs. However, if you find yourself with very little time left for a valid claim, we can be their to assist you as quick as possible.

Utah’s No-Fault Auto Insurance System

When you suffer injuries in a car accident in Utah, you have two main options for collecting compensatory damages. You can file a claim with an insurance company and you may also be able to file a lawsuit in civil court. Utah follows a no-fault insurance system, which states that you must carry a certain amount of coverage for personal injury protection.

You must file a claim with your own company first before you can file with the at-fault party’s insurance company or file a lawsuit. Several factors could make you exempt from this rule:

  • Permanent disabilities or impairment
  • Dismemberment
  • Permanent disfigurement
  • Medical expenses in excess of $3,000

Utah follows a modified comparative fault rule, which means that you can claim damages as long as the at-fault party is liable for a greater percentage of fault than you are. If the jury finds that you are responsible for a portion of the accident, they will reduce your damages by that amount.

Following Utah’s insurance laws can be a complex, confusing process – especially if you are injured and focusing on healing and recovery. At Feller & Wendt, LLC™, a Salt Lake City car accident attorney can assist through the entire claims process, including taking care of any paperwork or complex calculations necessary to get you the compensation you deserve.

Utah Car Accident Statistics

Car accidents are common in Utah and Salt Lake City, leading to hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries each year. The Utah Department of Public Safety publishes crash data annually to keep the public informed of these statistics. The 2016 Utah Crash Summary details several of these important statistics:

  • 158,417 people were involved in car crashes in 2016
  • In 2016 alone, 281 people died in car accidents in Utah
  • 16,862 people suffered minor injuries in car crashes
  • 8,388 people suffered non-incapacitating injuries in car crashes
  • 1,488 people suffered from incapacitating, severe injuries in car crashes
  • On an average day in Utah in 2016, 171 crashes occurred, and 73 people suffered injuries, with a death rate of nearly one per day
  • The treatment of injuries from car accidents totaled $157 million in Utah hospitals and emergency departments

Client Testimonials

We’re a top-rated, skilled personal injury law firm with client testimonials to back us up. When it comes to aggressive case litigation, look no further.
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Common Causes of Car Accidents in Utah

Many Utah car accidents are preventable with safe driving techniques, paying attention to the road, and obeying traffic laws. According to the Utah Department of Public Safety, several factors led to the highest number of motor vehicle accident deaths in the state between 2012 and 2016:

  • Speeding, causing 497 deaths and a factor in 40% of traffic fatalities
  • Driving without a seatbelt, involved in 377 deaths and 30% of traffic fatalities
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, causing 158 deaths and playing a part 13% of traffic fatalities
  • Failure to yield the right-of-way, causing 154 deaths and a factor in 12% of traffic fatalities
  • Driving while distracted, causing 108 deaths and responsible for 9% of traffic fatalities

Contact an Accomplished Salt Lake City Car Accident Lawyer Today

If you or a loved one were involved in a car accident in Salt Lake City, please contact Feller & Wendt, LLC™ to schedule your free consultation here or give us a car at 801.499.5060 and speak with a knowledgeable car accident attorney in Salt Lake City. We are dedicated to victims of car accidents and we want to help you seek damages today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What damages can I recover in a Salt Lake City car accident lawsuit?

There are typically two types of damages that you can recover in a car accident. First, there are special or economic damages. This would include things like past and future medical bills or lost wages that we can put an exact dollar figure on. Second, there are general or non-economic damages. These types of damages include all of the ways the accident has affected you. It is your pain and suffering, inconvenience of life, fear of not getting better, mental and emotional anguish, stress of dealing with the financial implications of the accident, and everything else that you are going through. These types of damages are rarely offered to unrepresented parties but typically account for a larger portion of the value of your case than that special damages. Finally, on occasion, there is a third type of damages called punitive damages, that can be available to our clients. Punitive damages are meant to punish the defendant because their conduct was so egregious that the community wants to send a message that the particular conduct is unacceptable. It is rare that punitive damages are considered in a case but attorney’s should be trained to look for ways to pursue them.

Do I have to go to court for my car accident claim in Salt Lake City?

At our firm, around 80% of our cases resolve without the need to go to court. There are numerous factors that can affect a case’s likelihood to get settled rather than filed and talking to a car accident attorney in Salt Lake City early on about a case is vital to ensure your case is developed properly.

Should I hire a Salt Lake City car accident lawyer for my claim?

I would always advise at least talking to an attorney about your claim. Even if you do not end up hiring our firm, I would rather talk to potential clients and give them advice than see the insurance companies prey on people who have no experience dealing with a personal injury case. The insurance companies have a team of adjusters and attorneys working on every case and their job is to minimize the amount of money they need to pay on a claim. When you hire an attorney, you even the playing field and are protected against the common tactics insurance companies employ to take advantage of folks.


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