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Phoenix Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Bicycles are starting to grow in popularity as a method of transportation both in Phoenix and throughout the whole state of Arizona. This is because people are becoming more health- and environmentally-conscious and want to save on the cost of fuel. With more and more bicycles on the roads today as a means of transportation, it has increased the number of accidents involving people on bikes. In fact, 938 bicyclists in 2020 were killed in motor vehicle-related crashes. That same year, there were 263 injuries and four deaths due to bicycle-related accidents in Phoenix alone.

There are many dangers that cyclists face when sharing the roads with motor vehicles, and their increased presence is increasing the risk of injuries, disabilities, disfigurements, and deaths due to collisions with motor vehicles. If you’ve suffered an injury in a bicycle accident with a motor vehicle, you’ll want to talk with a Phoenix bicycle accident attorney today.

Types of Bicycle Accident Injuries in Phoenix, AZ

Similar to pedestrians, bicyclists are at higher risk on roads than many other groups. It can be difficult to see them. They have minimal protection and can suffer severe injuries if they’re struck by a car, even at a low speed. Common injuries seen in bicycle accidents include:

  • Head trauma
  • Brain damage
  • Fractured or broken bones
  • Burns or rashes
  • Internal organ damage
  • Cut, lacerations, and bruises
  • Neck, spinal cord, or back damage
  • Internal bleeding
  • Bodily incapacitation, paralysis, or death

This isn’t an exhaustive list of common injuries due to bicycle accidents. Cyclists and motorists need to be very aware of the laws and rules of the road surrounding bicycles.

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What to Do After a Phoenix Bicycle Accident

Following a bicycle crash, you can help with the claim process by obtaining an official police report from the day it occurred. While settling your case may not even involve stepping into a courtroom, it’s still important to protect your rights so you can get back to normal life.

Unfortunately, bicycle accidents typically end up in some type of loss, or pain and suffering. It’s important that you document your medical visits from day one after the accident if you can. This should include:

  • Accident-related doctor visits
  • Physical therapy visits
  • Prescription medication
  • Chiropractor visits

Gather as much evidence as you can to help protect your rights. You should also consider hiring an experienced Phoenix bicycle accident attorney to help you seek a settlement to pay for your medical bills—both current and future.

Why Hire a Phoenix Bicycle Accident Lawyer

One of the biggest reasons to consider hiring a Phoenix bicycle accident attorney is proving fault. Proving which party is at fault in an accident between a bicycle and a vehicle isn’t as simple as you may think. Both drivers and their insurance providers go to great lengths to put the blame on the cyclist. Arizona law goes by the principle of comparative fault. This means that if the driver or the insurance provider can prove the cyclist was even partially at fault, it will reduce the cyclist’s claim for damages. For example, if you sustained an injury or damages that equaled $10,000, but the driver’s insurance provider proves you were 20% at fault, this will reduce your compensation by 20% and you’d only receive $8,000.

This is a challenging area of the law and it’s not very often that an insurance provider will pay the full amount of a claim without first attempting to place part of the blame on the bicyclist. A bicycle accident lawyer in Phoenix, AZ has many years of experience with these types of cases and helps injured cyclists defend against allegations that they were in some way the party at fault for the injuries they sustained. They can also help prove the fault of the negligent driver, helping you receive the maximum damages you are entitled to under the law.

The Statute of Limitations for Bicycle Accidents in Arizona

It’s important to note that you are required by law to file your negligence claim within a specific time period following your accident. If you miss this deadline, you will no longer have the right to compensation for your injuries. A Phoenix bicycle accident attorney understands the applicable statute of limitations. They’ll go over the circumstances of your case and will file it within the required period of time.

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Damages You May Be Entitled to After a Bicycle Accident in Phoenix

If the negligence of another causes you to become injured in a bicycle accident, you may be entitled to compensation for the injuries you sustained due to the accident, including:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Present and future lost wages
  • Present and future medical expenses
  • Costs of job retraining if you can’t return to your former job
  • Costs of physical rehabilitation
  • Other losses you experience because of your injury

You may be able to recover damages for any loss of income, your medical bills, and any pain and suffering by filing a personal injury claim against the driver of the vehicle that hit you.

Contact the Professional Phoenix Bicycle Accident Attorneys at Feller & Wendt Today

Bicycle collision-related accidents can occur for various reasons. They can occur anywhere and at any time. They can be related to a number of factors, such as weather conditions, the time of day, or negligence on the driver’s part when driving their vehicle. The negligence of a driver can lead to devastating consequences for unsuspecting bicyclists. This is why you need an experienced Phoenix bicycle accident lawyer, like one from Feller & Wendt to handle your case.

Our experienced Phoenix personal injury attorneys at Feller & Wendt have extensive knowledge of injuries involving accidents between motorists and bicyclists. We realize how a bike accident-related injury can turn into a life-changing event, and we’re here to stand by your side during this traumatic time. We want to help you get the compensation you deserve after being involved in a bicycle accident that’s no fault of yours. Give our office a call at  480.702.2277 or use our contact form to discuss your claim today.


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