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Utah Bicycle Accidents: Why You Should Consider Hiring an Attorney

Two people riding bicycles in tailgate

Utah’s scenic roads make for a great cycling experience. Riding your bike through the twisting canyons and towering red rocks can feel like a scene from a movie, whether doing it for pleasure or using it to get from place to place. However, despite the visual appeal, Utah bicycle accidents are rising.

2022 saw the highest bicycle accident-related deaths in the last thirty years. Most of the accidents were caused by reckless drivers speeding or failing to remain in their lanes. Researches also point to a severe lack of designated cycling lanes. If you have been in a bicycle accident, it is in your best interest to contact an attorney as soon as possible. They can conduct a full investigation into your accident and help you file an appropriate claim for compensation.

3 Reasons to Hire an Attorney After Your Utah Bicycle Accident

Bicycle accidents can leave the victim with more than just cuts and bruises, especially if the negligent party is the driver of a motor vehicle. Speeding is the number one cause of accidents related to cars and trucks, and getting hit while on a bicycle can result in traumatic brain injuries, broken bones, and internal bleeding. While you are navigating a post-accident world, your personal injury lawyer can help with the following:

Gather Time-sensitive Evidence

To file a claim and get the compensation you deserve, you need evidence. Examples of time-sensitive information that can help with your case include:

  • Photos of the crime scene
  • Video footage of the accident
  • Eyewitness testimony
  • Medical reports
  • Police report

It is likely that, depending on the severity of your injuries, you were unable to obtain the mentioned evidence, which is okay. Being in an accident is overwhelming, and it’s not uncommon to be too flustered to take out your phone and begin recording. Your personal injury lawyer can help by gathering time-sensitive evidence for you, like traffic camera footage, expert testimony, and photographic evidence.

Help Prove Liability

There are four main elements of negligence that can be used to prove liability. The four elements include:

  • Standard of care: This is the obligation to provide a duty of care to those around you. For a person riding a bicycle, the duty of care for the cars around that person would be to follow the rules of the road and not speed or drive while intoxicated.
  • Breach of care: Deviation from the typical duty of care is considered a breach. This would be anything considered illegal while driving, such as going over the speed limit, failure to stop, or failure to yield.
  • Cause: The cause is the link between the breach and the victim. If the speeding caused the accident, then this is considered the link.
  • Damages: The final element is the damages incurred by the victim, which include both economic and non-economic.

A personal injury attorney can help to establish the liable party through their collected evidence.

Bigger Settlement

Trying to settle a claim without the help of a personal injury attorney who knows the ins and outs of Utah bicycle accident cases will typically result in a small settlement that hardly covers the cost of a single medical bill.

Your attorney will understand that compensation is sometimes the only way to get your life back on track after a devastating accident and will fight for you to get the amount you deserve.

Get the Compensation You Deserve by Speaking With a Utah Bicycle Accident Attorney Today

Don’t settle for less than you deserve. Feller & Wendt, LLC™ has helped bicycle accident victims across Utah receive the damages they need to begin living again for years, and we would love to do the same for you.

From the initial consultation to the end settlement, we will be by your side the entire time. We are even prepared to take your case to court if need be. Our 95% success rate allows us to promise that we will fight for every single cent you deserve. To speak to a lawyer today, fill out our contact form or call us at 801.499.5060.

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